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Restarted replication forks are error-prone and cause CAG repeat expansions and contractions

Fig 2

RFB-dependent CAG-70 repeat expansions occur through a Rad52- and Rad8ScRad5/HsHTLF-mediated mechanism.

A) Percent expansions and contractions for CAG-70 at the 1.9 kb and 6.7 kb locations in a rad52Δ mutant across the indicated conditions. B) Percent expansions and contractions for CAG-70 at the 1.9 kb location in a rad8Δ mutant across the indicated conditions. (*) p≤0.05 compared to No RFB or Weak RFB (as indicated), (^) p≤0.05 compared to CAG-70 in the wild-type (WT) strain in the same condition by Fisher’s Exact Test. C) Fold over WT percent expansions for CAG-70 repeat in the following mutants: rad52Δ at 1.9 kb, rad52Δ at 6.7 kb, and rad8Δ at 1.9 kb, across conditions as indicated. The percent expansions for each mutant was divided by the percent expansions for the wild-type CAG-70 strain at the same location. D) Fold over WT percent contractions for CAG-70 repeat, presented as in (C). The red line at 1-fold over WT indicates the same percent instability as wild-type. (^) p≤0.05 compared to CAG-70 wild-type strain in the same condition, (*) p≤0.05 decrease compared to No RFB or Weak RFB (as indicated) in mutant by Fisher’s Exact Test. If no symbol is present, it indicates that the comparisons showed no significant difference. See Tables B and C in S1 Text for exact number of colonies analyzed and percentages for individual assays. See Table K in S1 for P-values.

Fig 2
