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S. pombe wtf drivers use dual transcriptional regulation and selective protein exclusion from spores to cause meiotic drive

Fig 2

Distinct promoters largely explain differential localization of Wtf4poison and Wtf4antidote proteins.

Depictions and alignments of (A) the wtf4 antidote promoter and (D) the wtf4 poison promoter are shown. For the alignment of antidote promoters, we aligned the 600 base-pairs upstream of 41 predicted antidote-only alleles [36] from three different strains of S. pombe (the reference genome, S. kambucha, and FY29033, [85]). For the alignment of poison promoters, we aligned the intron 1 sequences (flanked by sequences 100 base-pairs upstream and downstream of intron 1) of 28 predicted poison-antidote wtf drivers [36] from three different strains of S. pombe (the reference genome, S. kambucha, and FY29033). The image shows the percent identity at each nucleotide position, excluding gaps. (B) Images of pantidote-mCherry/ade6+ diploid and ascus. (C) Quantification of mCherry fluorescence within pantidote-mCherry/ade6+ asci (n = 24). (E) Images of ppoison-GFP/ade6+ diploid and ascus. (F) Quantification of GFP fluorescence within ppoison-GFP/ade6+ asci (n = 34). All images were acquired after 3 days on sporulation media. For quantification, we assayed the fluorescence intensity within each spore and then divided that number by the total fluorescence intensity within all 4 spores. TL = transmitted light. All scale bars represent 2 μm. Images of diploids are shown at the same brightness and contrast and were imaged at the same settings as the ascus generated from diploids of the same genotype.

Fig 2
