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CRMP/UNC-33 organizes microtubule bundles for KIF5-mediated mitochondrial distribution to axon

Fig 4

KIF5/UNC-116 motor polarized distribution and synaptic transport are disrupted in unc-33 mutant.

(A-C) PVD neurons expressing UNC-116::GFP and myr::mCherry (ntuIs2) of wild type (A), unc-16(e109) (B) and unc-33(mn407) (C). Arrowheads indicate UNC-116::GFP signal and brackets indicate the axon. Scale bar, 20 μm. (D) Percentage of UNC-116::GFP intensity in different neuronal sections. Error bar represents SEM, Student’s T-test, *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***p<0.001, compared to wild type. n = 10. (E and F) Images of PVD neurons expressing synaptic vesicle marker GFP::RAB-3 and myr-mCherry (wyEx5216) in wild type (E) and unc-33(mn407) (F). Arrowheads indicate synaptic vesicle clusters. (G) Quantification of synaptic vesicle cluster number. Error bar represents SEM, T-test, ***p<0.001, n = 35 (wild type), n = 43 (unc-33).

Fig 4
