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Mutation of NEKL-4/NEK10 and TTLL genes suppress neuronal ciliary degeneration caused by loss of CCPP-1 deglutamylase function

Fig 5

Effects of mutations on glutamylation of amphid, labial and cephalic (LC) cilia.

a. Diagram of the cilia of the C. elegans nose. Red indicates areas that are strained by the GT335 antibody, indicating glutamylation (adapted from O’Hagan et al [22]). MS = amphid middle segments; LC = labial and cephalic cilia. b. Examples of GT335 antibody staining phenotypes. Scale = 10μm. c. Percentage of worms with GT335 stained amphids and/or LC cilia. ccpp-1Δ; nekl-4(my31) was rescued with a nekl-4p::nekl-4::gfp plasmid @ 1.5ng/μL. N of animals per strain is indicated.

Fig 5
