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The Paramecium histone chaperone Spt16-1 is required for Pgm endonuclease function in programmed genome rearrangements

Fig 5

Spt16-1 is required for iesRNA accumulation.

Analysis of small RNA populations in SPT16-1 RNAi. Small RNA libraries at three different time-points during autogamy: very early (VE) (app. 20% of cell population undergo meiosis), early (E)(10 hours after the first time point), and late (L)(20 hours after the first time point), after control or SPT16-1 RNAi were sequenced and mapped to the reference genomes (Paramecium tetraurelia MAC reference genome and MAC+IES reference genome). Bar plots show the normalized proportion of sRNA reads that match the MAC genome (green), annotated IESs (yellow) or the feeding vector (bue). The histograms display the cytological stages of the cell population at each developmental time point.

Fig 5
