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Factors enforcing the species boundary between the human pathogens Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus deneoformans

Fig 5

Distribution of the number of recombination events detected in the hybrid progeny based on read-pairs aligning to different chromosomes.

Four different filtering thresholds were applied to detect potential instances of recombination across the genomes of 27 C. neoformans x C. deneoformans hybrid progeny: (A) Mapping quality (MQ) = 60 and at least 15 read-pairs (Cov) supporting each event; (B) MQ = 60 and at least 5 read-pairs supporting each event; (C) MQ > = 0 and at least 15 read-pairs supporting each event; and (D) MQ > = 0 and at least 5 read-pairs supporting each event. Each point represents the number of recombination events detected across the whole genome of a single hybrid progeny. In the box and whisker plots, red lines represent the median, shaded boxes represent the interquartile ranges (IQRs), upper and lower whiskers show the largest or smallest observations, respectively, that lie within 1.5 * IQR of the upper and lower quartiles, respectively. Outliers are included.

Fig 5
