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Dissecting the pathways coordinating patterning and growth by plant boundary domains

Fig 5

CUC3 and KLUH are regulators of leaf morphogenesis.

(A, B) Dynamics of tooth 1 (A) and tooth 2 (B) shape in wild type (WT), cuc3-105 and kluh-4 during early leaf morphogenesis. Data presented are measures of individual sinuses and a local regression is shown for each genotype, blade length is used as a proxy for the leaf developmental stage. Statistical significance for data grouped in 250μm-wide bins starting at 250μm is determined by Student’s test and is shown in color (green for cuc3-105 compared to WT, blue for kluh-4 compared to WT) for each bin (NS: not significant, * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, ***p< 0.005). (C, D) Mean tooth shape for tooth 1 (C) and tooth 2 (D) at two developmental stages of wild type (WT), cuc3-105 and kluh-4. Arrows in A and B indicate the leaf blade sizes for which the mean tooth shapes are shown. Scale bars: 25μm.

Fig 5
