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Specification of Drosophila neuropeptidergic neurons by the splicing component brr2

Fig 6

BMP pathway components are affected by impaired splicing.

(A-C) Expression of proFMRFa and Nplp1 in control (A), brr2 mutants (B) and Prp8 mutants (C). Both brr2 and Prp8 mutants display loss of proFMRFa and Nplp1 expression in the Ap cluster, while SE2 and dAp neurons are unaffected. (D) Venn diagram summary of genes affected in brr2 mutants, as revealed by RNA-Seq transcription and splicing analysis. (E) Venn diagram summary of splicing events detected in both brr2 and Prp8 mutants. (F) Schematic representation of splicing events of tkv, detected in both brr2 and Prp8 mutants. (G) Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of the Tkv-PA protein isoform (deduced from the tkv-RA mRNA transcript) and tkv-PC (deduced from tkv-RD). The signal peptide (red, SignalP-4.1 software prediction) is present in Tkv-PA but not in Tkv-PC, which is the isoform that is more abundant in brr2 and Prp8 mutants. Tkv-PA and Tkv-PC do not differ in other protein domains.

Fig 6
