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Distinct interactions of Sox5 and Sox10 in fate specification of pigment cells in medaka and zebrafish

Fig 4

Leucophore formation does not require Sox10 function but is repressed by Sox10 and Sox5 (A-H) 9 dpf.

Dorsal views. Leucophores (orange) are distributed along the dorsal surface throughout the anterioposterior axis of WT, as scattered individual cells in the head, and along the midline in the body (A). As the number of functional sox10 alleles decreases, leucophore numbers on the head are progressively increased (A-D, I, p<0.05 by Kruskal-Wallis test), whereas in the body they are progressively decreased (J, p<0.05 by Kruskal-Wallis test). (I, J) Comparison between genotypes was performed by Kruskal-Wallis test with SDCF post hoc test. Statistical significance (p<0.05) was detected between the groups shown by letters (a, b or c) above each scatter plots. sox10a-/- mutants have some ectopic leucophores on dorsal trunk (B, arrowheads). In sox10a-/-;sox10b+/- mutants, trunk leucophores are restricted to the anterior dorsal region (C). In sox10a-/-;sox10b-/- mutants, leucophores are largely restricted to the head (D). Intriguingly, the total number of leucophores in the whole body is not statistically different among these genotypes (K, p = 0.51 by Kruskal-Wallis test), although numbers do become much more variable after loss of sox10a. (I-K) WT, n = 19; sox10b-/-, n = 16; sox10a-/-, n = 27; sox10a-/-;sox10b+/-, n = 22; sox10a-/-;sox10b-/-, n = 18. In sox5-/- mutants, leucophores are formed in excess (L) and scatter more laterally (E). In sox10a-/-;sox5-/- mutants (F), there is a further increase in leucophores, which are scattered laterally like in sox5-/- mutants (E). Abundant leucophores (greater than in sox5-/- mutants; L) are observed in sox10a-/-;sox10b+/-;sox5-/- mutants, but these are more scarce in the body from posterior trunk backwards (G). In sox10a-/-;sox10b-/-;sox5-/- mutants, most leucophores are located on the head, but with some in the anterior trunk (H). (L) WT, n = 12; sox5-/-, n = 20; sox10a-/-;sox5-/-, n = 32; sox10a-/-;sox10b+/-;sox5-/-, n = 23; sox10a-/-;sox10b-/-;sox5-/-, n = 13. Comparison between the genotypes was performed by Kruskal-Wallis test with SDCF post hoc test. Statistical difference (p<0.05) was detected between the groups shown by letters (a, b or c) above each scatter plots. (I-L) Bars show mean and error bar (s.d.). Scale bar: (A) 200 μm.

Fig 4
