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Epithelial heparan sulfate regulates Sonic Hedgehog signaling in lung development

Fig 3

Ext1 mutant lungs do not have epithelial differentiation and patterning defects but show maldevelopment of mesenchymal cells.

(A-D) Immunofluorescent staining for SOX2/SOX9 in control lungs and mutant lungs at E12.5 and E14.5. The proximal-distal patterning was maintained in Ext1f/f; Shhcre mutant lungs(A and B), but the mesenchymal SOX9+ progenitors in the tracheal region were less abundant (inserts in A and B), and SOX9+ mesenchymal cells were irregularly arranged at E14.5(C and D). (E and F) The α-SMA+ myoblast cells were seen in the bud stalk of control lungs, while they were restricted in a more proximal region in Ext1f/f; Shhcre lungs (arrow head in E and F). (G-N) Immunofluorescent staining for epithelial differentiation markers for Type I pneumocytes (T1α), Type II pneumocytes (SFTPC), Club cells (SCGB1A1), Ciliated cells (Acetylated-Tubulin, Ac-Tub), Mucus cells (MUC5AC) and basal cells (P63/K5) in control lungs and Ext1f/f; Shhcre lungs at E18.5. The epithelial differentiation was largely normal in Ext1f/f; Shhcre lungs. Scale bars: A and B, 200μm;C and D, 100μm; E andF, 200μm; G-N, 50μm.

Fig 3
