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Brg1 chromatin remodeling ATPase balances germ layer patterning by amplifying the transcriptional burst at midblastula transition

Fig 7

Downregulation of Nieuwkoop Center genes contributes to the dorso-anterior phenotype in Brg1 morphants.

At eight cell stage X. laevis embryos were injected either in the two dorso-animal blastomeres (DA) or the two dorso-vegetal blastomeres (DV) with 10 ng of the indicated MO-oligo. Nuclear LacZ mRNA was coinjected as lineage tracer. Embryos were cultivated until hatching stage (A-F) for morphological assessment or until late blastula/early gastrula stage (G-Q) for WMISH analysis. In sagittally bisected embryos the two Nieuwkoop marker genes cerberus (G, H, M, N) and hhex (J, K, O, P) were analysed after indicated injections at late blastula and early gastrula. As indicated by nlacZ staining, the expression domains and the injection domains do not overlap in DA-injected embryos. Quantification of DA-injections (L) and DV-injections (Q) (n = 5–7 biological replicates). *, p-value ≤ 0.05.

Fig 7
