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Investigating Conservation of the Cell-Cycle-Regulated Transcriptional Program in the Fungal Pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans

Fig 2

About 20% of all S. cerevisiae and C. neoformans genes are periodically expressed during the cell cycle.

Four periodicity-ranking algorithms were run on the time series gene expression datasets at a period of 75 minutes (see S1 File). The top-ranked periodic genes (1–1600) were then filtered by the Lomb-Scargle algorithm to identify (A) 1246 periodic genes in S. cerevisiae and (B) 1134 periodic genes in C. neoformans. Genes in each periodic gene list were ordered along the y-axis by peak time of expression in the respective yeast dataset. As expected, the second and third cell cycles showed expression level damping due to asymmetric cell divisions in both budding yeasts. Transcript levels are depicted as a z-score change relative to mean expression for each gene, where values represent the number of standard deviations away from the mean. Each row represents transcript levels of a unique gene across the time series. Each column represents a time point in minutes.

Fig 2
