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A Ploidy-Sensitive Mechanism Regulates Aperture Formation on the Arabidopsis Pollen Surface and Guides Localization of the Aperture Factor INP1

Fig 7

Pollen ploidy higher than 2n is accompanied by changes in aperture morphology.

(A-F’) Ring-shaped apertures are common in tetraploid pollen from osd1 (A-B’), tam-2 (C- D’), and tes (E-F’). Front and back views are shown for each pollen grain (e.g. A and A’). (G-H’) Tetraploid pollen from tam-2; osd1 mutants often has abnormal exine patterns that make recognizing apertures difficult. Still, ring-shaped apertures are sometimes visible in tam-2; osd1 pollen (H, H’, arrowheads). Scale bars = 10 μm.

Fig 7
