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Identification of a Single Strand Origin of Replication in the Integrative and Conjugative Element ICEBs1 of Bacillus subtilis

Fig 2

A region of ICEBs1 (sso1) is similar to sso's from RCR plasmids.

ICEBs1 sso1 is similar to the sso's of B. subtilis RCR plasmids pBAA1, pTA1040 (NCBI accession NC_001764.1, position 5109–5307) and pTA1060 (accession NC_001766, position 6349–6549) [32,33]. sso sequences were compared with the multiple sequence alignment algorithm T-COFFEE [34]. Asterisks indicate nucleotides that are identical in all four sso's. Horizontal dashes correspond to gaps. The boxed regions are predicted to form stem loop structures when single-stranded and are important for pBAA1 sso activity [35]. Single-stranded ICEBs1 sso1 is also predicted to form the three stem loops important for pBAA1 sso activity as determined by the ssDNA folding prediction program Mfold [36]. The arrows indicate predicted stems (inverted repeats) of stem-loop structures.

Fig 2
