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Protein Quantitative Trait Loci Identify Novel Candidates Modulating Cellular Response to Chemotherapy

Figure 1

Protein levels regressed against four cytotoxicity phenotypes using fixed effect or mixed effect models representing the three biological replicates.

We analyzed 441 protein levels against 5 µM cisplatin induced apoptosis and cytotoxicity and 12.5 nM paclitaxel apoptosis and cytotoxicity using both fixed effect and mixed effect modeling (a). The Y-axis represents the total number of protein-drug phenotype (A, apoptosis and C, cytotoxicity) correlations (p<0.05) using fixed effect (medium grey) or mixed effect (light grey) or those that showed a correlation for both methods (dark grey). Five micromolar cisplatin induced caspase activity correlated with WHSC1 protein levels demonstrates strong association (p = 0.009) using the fixed effect, whereas the individual thaw association reveals no association from the third thaw, resulting in a greater than p>0.05 MEM result (b). Five micromolar cisplatin-induced caspase activity correlated with STAT3A (∼90 kDa) protein levels across three thaws ranging had p<0.05 ranging from 0.02 to 1.6×10−6 and a mixed effect p-value of 1.55×10−7 (c).

Figure 1
