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TDP-1/TDP-43 Regulates Stress Signaling and Age-Dependent Proteotoxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans

Figure 1

tdp-1 regulates lifespan.

(A) Mutation in tdp-1 reduced the lifespan of daf-2(e1370) mutants but did not further reduce the lifespan of daf-16(mu86) mutants. (B) RNAi against tdp-1 reduced the lifespan of daf-2(e1370) mutants. EV is the empty vector control. (C) tdp-1(ok803) mutants had increased lifespan compared to N2 worms at 20°C. (D) tdp-1(ok803) mutants and N2 worms had comparable lifespan at 25°C. (E) TDP-1::GFP overexpression strains had reduced lifespans compared to N2 worms or tdp-1(ok803) mutants at 20°C. (F) TDP-1::GFP transgenic had reduced lifespans compared to N2 worms when grown at 25°C. Please also see Table S1.

Figure 1
