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Separation of DNA Replication from the Assembly of Break-Competent Meiotic Chromosomes

Figure 4

Centromeres replicate early in S phase.

(A) The average expression level of origin proximal genes is plotted versus the time of replication in meiS. The red dotted lines indicate the population average. (B) The expression level distributions for meiS (left) and mitS (right) are plotted for the genes surrounding each origin for meiS early origins (red boxes) and mitS-only early origins (blue boxes). (C) The replication time for each centromere is indicated as a gray vertical bar compared to the distribution of replication time for the whole genome (black line) in meiS (left panel) and mitS (right panel). The mean replication time of the genome is indicated by the black dotted lines for each panel. (D) The replication time of each origin is plotted as a function of the distance of the origin from the closest centromere. MeiS early origins are indicated in red, mitS-only early origins are indicated in blue and late origins are colored black. (E) The data from (D) are summarized as box and whisker plots, with significance of the difference between mei-S and mitS-only early origins indicated.

Figure 4
