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Identification of Drosophila Mitotic Genes by Combining Co-Expression Analysis and RNA Interference

Figure 8

Mitotic phenotypes observed in the CS4 and CS5 phenoclusters.

In merges, DNA is blue and tubulin green. (A) In RNAi cells of the CS4 phenocluster, sister chromatids do not separate so that the chromosomes remain at the center of the cell, while the spindles elongate and assume morphologies typical of ana/telophase figures. Top panels, anaphase-like and telophase-like spindles from Cyclin B RNAi cells. Bottom panels, anaphase-like and telophase-like spindles from U2A′ (splicing factor) RNAi cells. Note that chromosome arms are parallel to the spindle axis (see text for explanation). (B) Mitotic figures from the CS5 phenocluster. In both CG3221 and CG5649 RNAi cells, the two sets of segregating chromosomes remain close to each other and fail to reach the spindle poles (compare with control cells in Figure 4A). Meta, metaphase; ana, anaphase; telo, telophase. Scale bars, 5 µm.

Figure 8
