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A HIF1α Regulatory Loop Links Hypoxia and Mitochondrial Signals in Pheochromocytomas

Figure 2

Similarity between VHL and SDH Tumors from Cluster 1 by Supervised Learning Methods

Supervised analysis reveals an extensive overlap between genes that discriminate MEN2 from VHL (left) and MEN2 from SDH tumors (right). Samples are shown in columns and genes are represented in rows. Expression levels are normalized for each gene, where the mean is zero. Red indicates high-level expression and blue, low-level expression. The color scale at the bottom indicates relative expression and standard deviations from the mean. Some representative genes are displayed in a color-coded manner according to their functional classes (green, kinase receptor signaling and adrenergic metabolism; pink, oxidative response; blue, hypoxia-responsive/angiogenesis genes). Within each of these functional classes the order of gene appearance in the heat map has been maintained for each class comparison. Complete gene lists are available as Dataset S4.

Figure 2
