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Dissecting the roles of calcium cycling and its coupling with voltage in the genesis of early afterdepolarizations in cardiac myocyte models

Fig 6

EADs driven by a large Ca transient.

α(kmax) = 7, α(JCaslmyo) = 1, and α(INCX) = 1.2. A. Phase diagram showing different mechanisms of EAD on the α(PCa) − α(GKs) plane. The Ca transient driven EADs occur in the cyan region. Other colors are the same as indicated in the phase diagram in Fig 2A. B. Vm, [Ca]sub, ICa,L, and INCX versus time for a representative case [α(GKs) = 1 and α(PCa) = 1, diamond in A]. The vertical dashed line indicates the EAD takeoff moment. C. Same as B but [Ca]sub is clamped to 0.5 times of the trace in B (highlighted by red). The blue dashed Vm trace in the Vm panel is the original one for comparison. D. Same as B but ICa,L is reduced linearly from the EAD takeoff moment. E. Same as B but INCX is reduced linearly from the EAD takeoff moment.

Fig 6
