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EPINEST, an agent-based model to simulate epidemic dynamics in large-scale poultry production and distribution networks

Fig 1

Model schematics.

(A) Synthetic PDN and poultry movements. Chickens are produced in farms (red) across the study area, and transported to LBMs (blue) by middlemen (yellow). These are mobile traders that may collect chickens from multiple farms located in one or more upazilas/sub-districts (an administrative area below that of a district in Bangladesh). Within LBMs, chickens are handled by vendors (orange) and may be moved between LBMs as a result of vendors’ trading practices. (B) Individual settings associated with farms, middlemen, LBMs (when open) and vendors (overnight, when LBMs are closed) provide the context for pathogen transmission, under the assumption that chickens mix homogeneously within the same setting. The panel zooms in on a single LBM, where chickens are colour-coded according to disease status: susceptible (S), exposed or latent (E), infectious (I) and recovered or immune (R). The base layer of the map was obtained from

Fig 1
