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Networks of necessity: Simulating COVID-19 mitigation strategies for disabled people and their caregivers

Fig 2

An egocentric network (i.e., ego network) of an example disabled person on (A) day 43 (before the start of contact-limiting) and (B) day 45 (during contact-limiting).

The two ego networks encode contacts for the same disabled person. The label ‘W1’ denotes the weak caregiver on day 43 and the label ‘W2’ denotes the weak caregiver on day 45. In this example, W1 and W2 are different caregivers. We illustrate the different groups (colors) in our model city, the interaction strengths between individuals (line thicknesses), and distances (numbers) from the ego. The edge weights are relative to the strong-contact weight of 1.

Fig 2
