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Incorporating regulatory interactions into gene-set analyses for GWAS data: A controlled analysis with the MAGMA tool

Fig 5

Gene sets detected as significant with some augmentation, do not necessarily gain from that augmentation.

Significant gene sets detected for selected augmentations for each phenotype were stratified according to whether they gained from augmentation (that is, demonstrated a stronger enrichment for phenotype association with, than without, augmentation) or not. A bar directed to the right-hand side (positive values) denotes the number of gene sets that gained (“gaining”), and a bar directed to the left-hand side (negative values) denotes the number of gene sets that did not gain (“non-gaining”). The augmentation, “Big Flanks”, refers to gene bodies with 100kb upstream- and downstream flanks. Phenotype abbreviations: C-Artery Disease (coronary-artery disease); Mac. Degeneration (macular degeneration). Mapping abbreviations: Br-Neuronal Cells (brain-neuronal cells); H-Muscle Cells (heart-muscle cells); NP Cells (neural-progenitor cells); Pa-Islet Cells (pancreatic-islet cells); Pr-Gland Cells (prostate-gland cells).

Fig 5
