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Improving the understanding of cytoneme-mediated morphogen gradients by in silico modeling

Fig 4

Experimental and simulated Hh gradients in Drosophila tissues.

(A) Confocal sections of Drosophila epithelia labeled with Hh:GFP BAC and EnhancerPtcRed. Top: abdominal histoblast nest. Bottom: imaginal wing disc. (B) Quantified data of the Hh gradient in both epithelia: wing disc (green) and abdominal histoblast nest (blue). (C) Comparison between the wing disc experimental gradient (green) and the predicted gradient estimated by our cytoneme model (blue). (D) Comparison between the abdominal histoblast nest experimental gradient (green) and the predicted gradient estimated by cytoneme model (blue). (E) Comparison between the wing disc experimental gradient (green) and the predicted gradients applying different models: cytoneme model (blue) and diffusion-degradation model (black). (F) Comparison between the abdominal histoblast experimental gradient (green) and the predicted gradients applying different models: cytoneme model (blue) and diffusion-degradation model with different diffusion coefficient (red 3 times smaller than black). Scale bars: 30μm.

Fig 4
