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Improving the understanding of cytoneme-mediated morphogen gradients by in silico modeling

Fig 2

General outline of the Cytomorph workflow: (A) Inputs of the Cytomorph, divided into two groups: A.1) Loading the data through an Excel table. A.2) Loading it through the main GUI. (B) Cytomorph secondary GUI windows: B.1) Window in which different parameter combinations (cases) can be loaded to compare with the reference case. B.2) Window in which a scan of variable values can be selected to study their effect. B.3) Window in which graphical properties can be selected. (C) Graphic outputs of Cytomorph simulations: C.1 and C.2) Contacts per cell along simulations. C.3) Signal variability measured by coefficient of variation. C.4) Contacts per cell and iteration. C.5) Temporal evolution of the contact distribution. C.6) Final gradient and expected variability (error bars).

Fig 2
