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Integrating across neuroimaging modalities boosts prediction accuracy of cognitive ability

Fig 4

Multi-modal neuroimaging patterns from cognitive prediction.

Encoding weight maps of each brain measurement whose contribution to predicting cognitive scores during stacking is statistically non-redundant (N.C. ≡ Non-Contributing). Red and blue colors in the brain images (i.e., local connectome, cortical surface area, cortical thickness, and subcortical volumes) display positive and negative weights respectively. For the resting-state connectivity features the strength maps are instead displayed, estimated as the sum over the rows (or columns) in the absolute matrix of links’ weights, thresholded to concentrate only on their 1% largest values. The weight map for the volumetric properties in Crystallized Intelligence is marked as non-contributing (N.C.) since this channel did not survive after adding the confounders channel to the stacked model.

Fig 4
