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Spectrally specific temporal analyses of spike-train responses to complex sounds: A unifying framework

Fig 6

Compared to the d(t), the apPSTH ϕ(t) provides a better TFS representation.

(A-C) Spectra of d(t) and ϕ(t) for the same three simulated AN fiber responses for which ENV spectra were shown in Fig 5. D(f) has substantial power at CF (black triangle), as well as at lower (purple circle) and upper (purple square) sidebands. Φ(f), the spectrum of ϕ(t), shows maximum power concentration at CF (carrier frequency), with greatly reduced sidebands. (D) Ratio of power at CF (carrier, black triangle in panels A-C) to power at lower sideband (LSB, FcFm, purple circles in panels A-C). (E) Ratio of power at CF (carrier) to power at upper sideband (USB, Fc + Fm, purple squares in A-C). ϕ(t) highlights the carrier and not the sidebands, and thus, compared to d(t), ϕ(t) is a better representation of the true TFS response.

Fig 6
