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An enriched network motif family regulates multistep cell fate transitions with restricted reversibility

Fig 3

Comparison of Type I and Type II motifs for their performance in producing systems with four ordered attractors.

A. The numbers of parameter sets per 106 samples per topology that generate four ordered attractors from two types of minimum motifs. B. The numbers of parameter sets per 106 samples per topology (limited to 30 per topology) that generate four ordered attractors from three types of motifs. C. The numbers of parameter sets per 106 samples per topology that generate four unordered attractors from two types of minimum motifs. D. Inter-attractor distances for each parameter set that generates four ordered attractors were calculated and summarized. For each set of parameters associated with the four attractors, the minimum, the maximum and the standard deviation of the distances were analyzed. Minimum Type I and Type II motifs were compared using these statistics.

Fig 3
