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Review: Precision medicine and driver mutations: Computational methods, functional assays and conformational principles for interpreting cancer drivers

Fig 2

Examples of chemotherapy drugs.

Molecular structures of (A) imatinib, (B) vemurafenib, and (C) dabrafenib. Imatinib is used for chronic myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia. Both vemurafenib and dabrafenib are drugs for the treatment of melanoma targeting the B-RafV600E mutant. In the structure, C, N, and O atoms are denoted as white, blue, and red spheres, respectively. Hydrogen atom is represented as an edge of stick. Other heavy atoms, S, Cl, and Fe atoms, are marked on the sphere. Molecular topologies with the coordinates are generated by using Avogadro software [412].

Fig 2
