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Minimal model of interictal and ictal discharges “Epileptor-2”

Fig 4

Simulations of IDs, each consisting of separate short bursts.

(A) The nominal depolarization (top plot), the intracellular sodium (red line) and extracellular potassium (blue) concentrations (bottom, left axis), and the ionic flux through the Na-K-pump (orange line, bottom plot, right axis) during six IDs. (B) The population firing rate (black), the nominal depolarization (red), and the synaptic resource (violet) during a single ID consisting of some SBs. (C) Zoomed traces from A, bottom during a single ID. Simulations were done with Eqs 18 with the basic parameter set. Note the decrease of [K]o at the high level of peaks of Ipump and following the termination of the ID.

Fig 4
