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Identifying influential neighbors in animal flocking

Fig 4

Spatial and temporal dynamics of a collective U-turn for N = 5.

The displayed temporal sequence is drawn from the fish trajectories one second before the U-turn begins till one second after its end. Symbols in all panels are the same as in Fig 3. (A) Individuals trajectories in the tank during the U-turn. (B) Group polarization with a minimum value Pmin ≈ 0.59 reached at t ≈ 0.66 s. (C) Sine of the angle of incidence of fish to the wall θw. The three vertical lines of each color indicate for each fish the beginning, the middle and the end of its U-turn. Here the middle time means the instant where sin(θw) = 0. (D) Interactions with influential neighbors: arrows point from influential neighbors to the focal fish and with the same color as the focal fish. (E) Fish bursting activity and their influential neighbors. If there is more than one influential neighbor, Fj with largest index value j is shown. Grey lines in Panels BCDE denote the start and end of the collective U-turn.

Fig 4
