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Object detection through search with a foveated visual system

Fig 10

Illustration of the visual field of the model.

(a) The model is fixating at the red cross mark on the image (see Fig 8’s caption for the source of the image). (b) Visual field (Fig 1) overlaid on the image, centered at the fixation location. White line delineate the borders of pooling regions. Nearby pooling regions do overlap. The weights (Fig 1) of a pooling region sharply decrease outside of its shown borders. White borders are actually iso-weight contours for neighboring regions. Colored bounding boxes show the templates of three components on the visual field: red, a template within the fovea; blue and green, two peripheral templates at 2.8 and 7 degree periphery, respectively. (c, d, e) Zoomed in versions of the red (foveal), blue (peripheral) and green (peripheral) templates. The weights of a template, wi, are defined on the gray shaded pooling regions.

Fig 10
