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A Network Model of Local Field Potential Activity in Essential Tremor and the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation

Table 1

Table of patient details.

The patient details for the seven patients with ET who underwent DBS surgery and whose local field potential data was used in the study. We include age at time of DBS surgery, gender and tremor grading scores for right and left arms in four positions: rest, held at nose, held outstretched and whilst making a reaching movement (intention). All signals were down sampled to a sampling frequency of 64 Hz. The power spectra of the filtered LFP signals were obtained using a Fourier transform (fft function in Matlab). Cross-coherence was performed between the LFP and EMG signals (mscohere function in Matlab, Mathworks), using a periodic Hamming window, with the number of steps set to 32 and 50% overlap. Spectra were averaged across electrodes and sides of the brain and then across patients for each condition. The results obtained from this data analysis were used to constrain the behaviour of the computational model, by comparing the peak frequency of the cross-coherence to the frequency of oscillations produced by the model.

Table 1
