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Regulators Associated with Clinical Outcomes Revealed by DNA Methylation Data in Breast Cancer

Fig 6

TF enriched in CpG subtypes of breast cancer.

A) K-means clustering of CpG β-values into 5 distinct clusters. B) Ordering of significantly enriched/depleted (P<0.05) TF binding motifs relative to their -log10(P-value) ordering in cluster 1 (column 1). All -log10(P-values) greater than 10 were set to 10 and all values less than 3 were set to 0. Enrichment of motifs is shown in blue and depletion is shown as yellow. C) Enrichment values of TR-NFY_01 in each CpG subtype (C1–C5) D) Enrichment values of TR-E47_01 in each CpG subtype (C1–C5).

Fig 6
