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Cell Fate Reprogramming by Control of Intracellular Network Dynamics

Fig 2

Stable motif succession diagram for the example in Fig 1.

The stable motif succession diagram shows the stable motifs obtained successively during the attractor finding process and the attractors they finally lead to. A more detailed representation of the first steps of the attractor finding method is shown in S1 Fig. Nodes are colored based on their respective node states in the motifs or the attractors: gray for 0 and black for 1. The four stable motifs of the original logical network and their matching node states are shown in the leftmost part of the figure. The attractors obtained for each possible sequence of stable motifs are shown in the rightmost part of the figure. The result of applying network reduction using a stable motif is represented by each dashed arrow. If network reduction due to a stable motif leads to a simplified network with at least one stable motif, then the dashed arrows point from the stable motif being considered to the stable motifs of the simplified network. Otherwise, network reduction leads directly to an attractor and the dashed arrow points towards the attractor.

Fig 2
