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On the Firing Rate Dependency of the Phase Response Curve of Rat Purkinje Neurons In Vitro

Fig 4

Signal to noise ratio in PRC estimates.

PRCs were smoothed and normalized by the total charge of the injected pulse Q = IpulseTpulse. Increasing the amplitude Ipulse increased the estimates confidence (A-B), reducing the standard deviation of the PRC raw data points, especially as PCs fire at low firing rates. The plots display the PRC estimates obtained without the PID controller for Ipulse = 50 and 100 pA, in the same PC over a comparable number of stimulation trials (i.e., 1911 and 1338 at high firing rates, and 3361 and 3350 at low firing rates, respectively). The smoothed PRCs and their 68% confidence intervals (C-D) are plotted, as a function of time (i.e., τ = (φ − 1) ⋅ ⟨ISI⟩) by the lines and shaded areas (i.e., dashed/gray for 50 pA and continuous/white for 100 pA).

Fig 4
