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Transformation of Context-dependent Sensory Dynamics into Motor Behavior

Figure 5

Statocyst model connected to a wing CPG model.

Statocyst dynamics drive the motoneurons that control the movement of the wings. Here we have modeled the wing CPG circuit by building a network with six neurons: 7, 8, 1A, 2A, 3 and 4. This network replicates the known wing CPG connectivity 20,42. Each single neuron represents the equivalent electrically coupled groups of cells in the biological circuit. We have chosen neurons 1A (for the dorsal group) and 2A (for the ventral) as representative cells of the CPG behavior. The statocyst is connected to this CPG through a simple model of cerebral cells that consists of three cerebro-pedal interneurons (CG1-3). Note that we omitted the hunting neuron in the statocyst circuit diagram to simplify the graphical representation.

Figure 5
