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Model-Free Reconstruction of Excitatory Neuronal Connectivity from Calcium Imaging Signals

Figure 5

TE-based network reconstruction of locally-clustered topologies.

A ROC curve for a network reconstruction with generalized TE Markov order , with fluorescence data conditioned at . The shaded area depicts the 95% confidence interval based on 6 networks. B Comparison between structural (top) and reconstructed (bottom) connectivity. For the reconstructed network (after thresholding to retain the top 10% of links only) true positives are indicated in green, and false positives in red. C Comparison between structural (blue) and reconstructed (red) network properties: clustering coefficients (top), degree distribution (center) and distance of connections (bottom). D Reconstructed length scales as a function of the structural ones for different reconstruction methods. The non-linear causality measures, Mutual Information (MI, red) and generalized Transfer Entropy (TE, yellow), provide good reconstructions, while the linear cross-correlation (XC, blue) always provides an underestimated length scale. The error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals based on 3 networks per each considered length scale. All network realizations were constructed with a characteristic length scale , and simulations included light scattering artifacts.

Figure 5
