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Branch Mode Selection during Early Lung Development

Figure 4

The FGF10 pattern is robust to changes in the domain geometry and boundary conditions.

The steady state pattern of FGF10 on the computational domain has (a) an increased radius of epithelial bud, i.e. at the tip increased by the25%; (b) an increased radius of the mesenchymal bud, i.e. at the tip increased by the 10%; (c) a truncated stalk, i.e. at the stalk is truncated by 80%. (d,e) The steady state pattern of FGF10 with no flux boundary conditions at the lung boundary: (d) all production and degradation rate constant are equal to 0.5 and 1.7 of that presented in Table 1 (lateral branching mode), (e) constants are equal to 0.7 and 1.5 of that presented in Table 1 (bifurcation mode). Decrease of production rates and increase of degradation rates are imposed to compensate for the absence of morphogen flux from the epithelium and mesonchyme to the lumen and interstitial space when no-flux boundary conditions are imposed at the lung border. All parameters as in Table 1 unless otherwise stated.

Figure 4
