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Organization of Excitable Dynamics in Hierarchical Biological Networks

Figure 9

Levels of dynamic organization in two different neuronal networks.

The highlighted curves (bigger symbols; top row) correspond to the respective DDC vector results (bottom row). (A) The dominance of modular elements in the cortical network of the cat is reflected by a distinct increase of Qdyn for the TM-dependent results in the high-f regime (blue ▵; top) as well as by the homogeneous clustering of the DDC vectors (TM-dependent results; bottom), while central node effects seem to play only a marginal role (see the slight superelevation in the low-f regime [red ○]; top). (B) By contrast, the cellular network of C. elegans displays a strong dependency on two adjoining central nodes which dominate the dynamics in a wide range of f. The drastic increase of the CN-dependent results for Qdyn in the low-f region (red ○; top) reflects the high order of the DDC vectors (CN-dependent results; bottom) with a conserved distance ranking of the topologically detected node clusters. Even here, there exists a noticeable but comparatively subordinate influence of the module-based excitation patterns (blue ▵; top).

Figure 9
