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Wolbachia endosymbionts manipulate the self-renewal and differentiation of germline stem cells to reinforce fertility of their fruit fly host

Fig 8

Mei-P26 interactions predicted from the literature are supported by our ovary dual-RNAseq results.

(A, B) Predicted mei-P26 (A) protein and mRNA physical interactions and (B) genetic interactions. Symbols near gene names indicate significant DE interactions: * = significance by genotype; r = significance by infection, indicating a rescue phenotype; _ = significance by uncorrected p-values only. Red “X”s in A indicate genes that were not expressed in our dataset (CG6304 and mir-137). (C) Normalized transcript count plots for the genes designated with symbols in A and B. In all barplots, dark gray = wMel-infected OreR, light gray = uninfected OreR, dark pink = wMel-infected mei-P26[1], light pink = uninfected mei-P26[1]. (D) Cellular component GO terms for the 87 (~G*I) DE genes reveal an enrichment for early germline cytoskeletal structures and membrane proteins. Wald test association for listed padj and p-values are given in parentheses, as in Fig 7: genotype (~G), infection (~I), genotype*infection (~G*I). The data underlying this figure can be found at NCBI, under BioProject number PRJNA1007602. OreR, Oregon R.

Fig 8
