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Independent insulin signaling modulators govern hot avoidance under different feeding states

Fig 5

Dilp2 increases pAKT while Dilp6 increases pERK levels in α′β′ MBn during satiety and hunger.

(A) Immunostaining with pAKT antibody in VT30604-GAL4 > UAS-mCD8::GFP flies. Quantification of anti-pAKT immunopositive signals in α′β′ MBn in sated and hungry states (right panel) (P = 0.0014). (B) Immunostaining with pERK antibody in VT30604-GAL4 > UAS-mCD8::GFP flies. Quantification of anti-pERK immunopositive signals in α′β′ MBn in sated and hungry states (right panel) (P = 0.0083). (C) Immunostaining with pAKT antibody in VT30604-GAL4 > UAS-InRDN and VT30604-GAL4 > + flies. Quantification of anti-pAKT immunopositive signals in α′β′ MBn in sated and hungry states (right panel) (P = 0.8402, 0.0047, and 0.0031 from left to right). (D) Immunostaining with pERK antibody in VT30604-GAL4 > UAS-InRDN flies and VT30604-GAL4 > + flies. Quantification of anti-pERK immunopositive signals in α′β′ MBn in sated and hungry states (right panel) (P = 0.8662, 0.0066, and 0.0006 from left to right). (E) Immunostaining with pAKT antibody in dilp2-GAL4 > UAS-dilp2RNAi and dilp2-GAL4 > + flies. Quantification of anti-pAKT immunopositive signals in α′β′ MBn in sated and hungry states (right panel) (P = 0.6434, 0.0158, and 0.0109 from left to right). (F) Immunostaining with pERK antibody in cg-GAL4 > UAS-dilp6RNAi and cg-GAL4 > + flies. Quantification of anti-pERK immunopositive signals in α′β′ MBn in sated and hungry states (right panel) (P = 0.4332, 0.0002, and <0.0001 from left to right). Each N represents a single fly in anti-pAKT or anti-pERK immunostaining experiments. All the anti-pAKT and anti-pERK immunostaining signals in α′β′ MBn were normalized to the signals in subesophageal ganglion. Data are represented as mean ± SEM with dots representing individual values. The data underlying this figure can be found in S1 Data. Data were analyzed by the unpaired two-tailed t test (AF) or one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test (C–F). *P < 0.05; ns, not significant. MBn, mushroom body neuron; SEM, standard error of mean.

Fig 5
