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Control of stereocilia length during development of hair bundles

Fig 4

Stereocilia width in mutants.

Width measurements used reconstructed stereocilia surfaces. (A–H) Average stereocilia width (panels labeled i) and CV (ii) were determined for the center 10 stereocilia of each hair cell (gray symbols), separately for rows 1 and 2. Plotting and statistical testing were as in Fig 3. (A, B) Width and width CV at P7.5 and P21.5 for Cdh23v2J. (C, D) Width and width CV at P7.5 and P21.5 for Pcdh15av3J. (E, F) Width and width CV at P7.5 and P21.5 for TmieKO. (G, H) Width and width CV at P7.5 and P21.5 for Myo15ash2. The data underlying all the graphs shown in the figure can be found in figshare ( CV, coefficient of variation.

Fig 4
