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Control of stereocilia length during development of hair bundles

Fig 2

Scanning electron microscopy of mutants showing links and tip profiles.

(A–H) Scanning electron micrographs of single IHC hair bundles from P8.5 cochleas of indicated genotypes. For each genotype, top panel (labeled i) is a profile example and bottom panel (ii) is a top-down example. The insets in Ai, Bi, Ci, Di, and Gi all provide examples of beveled or pointed stereocilia tips; the insets in Ei, Fi, and Hi provide example of rounded tips. Some links were still present in both Cdh23v2J/v2J and Pcdh15av3j/av3J bundles, but were not associated with beveled stereocilia tips. Panel widths, 6 μm; inserts are 0.5 μm wide and are magnified 3-fold on left. Arrows indicate tip links. (I–L) Quantitation of number of stereocilia per hair bundle from scanning electron micrographs. Rows 1, 2, and 3 separately plotted; additional rows of stereocilia and microvilli on each cell’s apical surface were also counted (row 4+). P values for unpaired t tests are indicated. The data underlying all the graphs shown in the figure can be found in figshare ( IHC, inner hair cell.

Fig 2
