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Extent and context dependence of pleiotropy revealed by high-throughput single-cell phenotyping

Fig 6

Some MA lines display unique relationships between certain pairs of traits.

In all plots, black represents the ancestor of the MA lines and colors represent MA lines with trait correlations that differ from other lines (strains: black = HAncestor, green = DHC81H1, red = DHC41H1, magenta = DHC40H1, blue = DHC66H1, purple = DHC84H1; see S2 Table in [51]). (A) Histograms display the number of MA lines with Pearson correlations corresponding to the values on the horizontal axis for four example pairs of traits; the number of bins is set to 30. (B) This plot displays, for each of the 94 MA lines, the cumulative distribution (“dist.”) of the number of sd away from the mean correlation across all trait pairs. (C) Plots display, for each MA line, the maximum deviation from the mean observed for any pair of traits (left) and the average sd observed across all pairs of traits (right). Data underlying this figure can be found at MA, mutation-accumulation; sd, standard deviation.

Fig 6
