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Identification of traits and functional connectivity-based neurotraits of chronic pain

Fig 3

Resting state functional connectivity determined Pain-trait and Emote-trait.

A. Resting-state fMRI was used to construct functional connectivity covariance matrices, and a 3-fold cross-validation procedure was implemented to identify links related to trait scores. Scatterplots show the normalized score of each individual and their chronic pain traits when they were in the left-out fold. Pain-trait was determined from both positive and negative links and Emote-trait could be determined only by positive but not negative links. B, D, F. The most stable links were the common links consistently selected by the models across all three folds. C, E, G. The matrices display within- and between-community connections of all links, irrespective of their weights, when the brain networks are represented by 14 communities. The full connectivity profile for each trait is also shown across all 272 nodes. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. For each figure, the numerical data are available S1 Data and a description of the analyses, and P values are reported in S4 Table.

Fig 3
