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FishNET: An automated relational database for zebrafish colony management

Fig 6

Entering laboratories and individual users.

(A) Example of a new laboratory, where the name of the lab, the PI, institution, contact info, and IACUC protocol are all entered. Once lines and tanks have been entered, the lower part of this window will display the number of active tanks, active crosses, and tanks on the nursery for easy reference and billing purposes. Selecting the “Lab Members” button (indicated by the red arrow) will bring you to the next window. New laboratories can be added by selecting “+ New Record” option at the top of the FileMaker menu (indicated by a red arrow). (B) Individual lab user set-up. To add a new lab user, select the “+ New Record” option at the top of the FileMaker menu (indicated by a red arrow). Lab information is automatically populated from the general lab information window, and here individual contact details are entered. Users are defined as “active” or “inactive.” Later, tanks and crosses owned by this individual user will be shown in this window. (C–D) After adding laboratory accounts, an administrator can set up privileges for all users in that lab, as well as other labs, to restrict or permit visualization of lines and handling of fish (e.g., setting up crosses, etc.) by non-lab members. IACUC, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

Fig 6
