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An opposing function of paralogs in balancing developmental synapse maturation

Fig 4

Knock-down of PSD-93 in the visual cortex phenocopied the PSD-93 KO effect: Juvenile ODP was absent in late critical period.

(A-D) Optically imaged activity maps in V1 of WT mice with shLC (A, B) and with sh93 (C, D) during late CP (≥P28) before (A, C) and after 4 d of MD (B, D). Data displayed as in Fig 3. (E, F) Summary graph of ODI (E) and V1 activation (F). ○, open eyes; ●, deprived eyes. ODIs (E) and V1 activation (F) before (oo) and after (●o) 4 d MD in WT mice with shLC (green) and with sh93 (red). Data displayed as in Fig 3. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Underlying data for this figure can be found in S1 Data. ant, anterior; co, contralateral; contra, contralateral; CP, critical period; KO, knock-out; ip, ipsilateral; ipsi, ipsilateral; MD, monocular deprivation; ODI, ocular dominance index; ODP, ocular dominance plasticity; P, postnatal day; PSD, postsynaptic density; shLC, short hairpin RNA against luciferase; sh93, short hairpin RNA against PSD-93; V1, primary visual cortex; WT, wild-type.

Fig 4
