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Contrasting impacts of competition on ecological and social trait evolution in songbirds

Fig 3

Trait disparity through time between allopatric and sympatric lineages for the following four representative scenarios: (A) Beak pPC3 for year-round territorial taxa (trait number 4, S1 Table), (B) whole song frequency pPC2 for year-round territorial taxa (trait number 22, S1 Table), (C) ln(mass) for frugivores (trait number 1), and (D) male coloration pPC2 for frugivores (trait number 17, S1 Table). The best-supported model is indicated. Each panel depicts the mean disparity, calculated as the average squared Euclidean distance, between allopatric lineages and between sympatric lineages through time in 100 datasets simulated with the MLE parameter values for the best-fit model (left) and the distribution of mean sympatric and allopatric disparity values at the tips (right). Red lines depict the mean disparity values in the empirical datasets (see S5 Data). BM, Brownian motion; DDexp, exponential diversity-dependent model; ln(mass), log-transformed mass; MC, matching competition; MLE, maximum likelihood estimate; OU, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck; pPC2, phylogenetic principal component 2; pPC3, phylogenetic principal component 3.

Fig 3
