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Fission Yeast Cells Undergo Nuclear Division in the Absence of Spindle Microtubules

Figure 3

Nuclear fission in the absence of spindle microtubules.

(A) Cut11-GFP and tubulin staining of MBC-treated cdc11-119 cells (6 h at 36.5°C). (B) cdc11-119 atb2GFP cells at 36.5°C in MBC and DMSO. (C) Cut11-GFP staining of DMSO and MBC treated cdc11-119 cut11-GFP cells, 5 h at 36.5°C. (D) Cut11-GFP and dapi staining of MBC treated cdc11-119 cut11-GFP, after 5 h at 36.5°C. (E) Individual frames from time-lapse videos of cdc11-119 cut11GFP atb2GFP cells after 3 h at 36.5°C, in the presence of DMSO or 50 µg/ml MBC. (F) Dapi staining of cut11-119 cut7-446 cells treated with DMSO or 50 µg/ml MBC. (G) Quantification of binucleated cells after MBC treatment in cdc11-119 (black) and cdc11-119 mad2Δ (grey) cells. Scale bar 10 µm.

Figure 3
